Group responses seen by entire group, but not sent individually to group members
Android Wear improvement with or like Coffee app
text as read and typing a response
SMS restore bug
Encrypted Texts
text template
Bug-MMS limitation when data is off
quick response - message not being sent after rejecting a call
Is there a way to make quick response custom message
I need text messages highlighted until I receive a response
Ability to communicate with fellow Textra users via wifi
Can't temporarily turn on data to download MMS anymore?
Is there a way to see when the recipient of your text is typing back their response?
When the App is open and you are in a Conv, I would like some sound when Incoming Text received.
Auto Reply / Out of Office
Missing sms when data disabled
Where the f is "draft", "templates", or "canned response"?
How to Clear Pictures to free up storage ?
import & export
Driving mode please!!