Indicator for draft messages not yet sent in the general view
It would be great to have an indicator for draft messages (in the general list with all the threads) for those that have not been sent yet.
This feature already exist in MMS/SMS and other apps.
Something like a little "draft" in red or an icon to easily spot which thread has a draft message.
Thanks !

Added in Textra 3.17
Anonymous commented
Please consider implementing this basic feature. I have read on this and other forums that your users have been requesting this for months and no official response has been given from Textra.
Shivansh Tyagi commented
The feature to have saved template messages/drafts can be very useful, messages like home address, GPS locations , or standard in a meeting reply are very useful when the user is pressed for time
JuLs commented
I need to be organized and this is the only thing holding textra back for me. I need to be able to mark contacts or put a draft to msg later!
Anonymous commented
A must
Andre commented
Would also love this!
Noe that the default Android message app has this already! I would say this feature, if added, would make Textra the dominant messaging app that supplants in features to the default app.
Chris commented
I would switch to this app if it had this feature.
So far I have tried textra and gotten rid of it for this exact reason.
Jeff commented
Yes please! I wouldn't even mind if this was a feature only for pro users since I am one, but this would be extremely useful for me!
Anonymous commented
Yes please implement. There are a number on times I've started a text, got interrupted and find out easy later the text wasn't sent. Already pro because you guys are awesome and would greatly appreciate having this.
Vish commented
I wish they would implement a draft icon on a particular thread and it would save the message ...definitely will be buying the pro version
Alan commented
It does seem to save a draft on exit if you don't send the message, but only the last draft. I want to compose and save several messages and send them at certain times. A facility to save a number of drafts is essential. My old Nokia phone allowed me to save messages without sending - so please Textra, do the same.
Cyril commented
Yes, good idea ! Plus should be easy to integrate :)