MMS Video Compression
When iPhone users send videos to each other, there is virtually no compression. The video looks brilliant as if I was watching it on the device that took the video. Ever since I made the switch to Android, I notice that when people send me videos, the compression is so bad the video is virtually unwatchable. I have AT&T and know that the max size is 600KB, but I'm wondering why it compresses it so much that I can't even watch it. Is there a fix for this?
Michael commented
During my research on this subject, I found on the Apple website that when an apple product, specifically on the iPhone is sending a picture or video message, the Apple servers detect the file from their product and compress it to a smaller file. The server then will detect if the recipient is an Apple product and uncompress the file to its original state. If it is sent to any Android user or even a group that includes all iPhone products, the file will not uncompress leaving a low resolution pic or vid. It only works when sent to a single iphone contact.