Preventing Click Through When Selecting a Link
So, I actually have two ideas.
First is the emoji long press, where it shows a zoomed in preview. I really like that, but don't think it should automatically select it for inclusion into the message when I release. Most of the time I'm scrolling through looking for a cool one to use. When I want a closer look, 9 out of 10 times I don't want to select it and end up having to backspace to erase it.
The second would fix something that has annoyed me since I started using Textra (which I really love, all in all). When I have a URL link as a text message, I often want to select it to copy & paste either to forward or drop into an email to other contacts. However after I long hold the text box and it selects the text with the link, when I pull my finger off, it automatically thinks I want to go to that link and launches my browser. It can be irritating, especially when I'm in a hurry.
Other than that, keep up the awesome work! I love that you guys are always improving!