Textra heads up needs to be re-worked
1) Give us the option to have the pop up, pop up in the middle of the screen, not just the top.
2) When a heads up notification comes in, we should not have to press the menu button, and then press later. There should be a close button and a later button. That's how gosms pro does it, and it works quite well. ALSO, when one presses later, the message should be kept as new/unread, HOWEVER, the notification tray should clear, but when you open the app, the messages that were marked later, still show as unread. Also, the heads up window should be scrollable to allow for more than one message. I. E. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 and we should be able to mark each one either close, or later. Again, see go sms pro. Lastly, the heads up window should allow for more than one line of text.