Delete does not delete data app
If I send a video or lots of pictures and then delete the video or pictures while they are gone from within the textra app, they are still in the textra app data section. Textra does not delete them from its memory. So after a while of sending lots of videos my phone is saying im running out of memory. If i use an app called diskusage it scans my phone and shows me what apps/folder/data is using up the most space. Textra appears at the top with a very large data folder. Its all the videos i sent and deleted the msg but the app does not remove them from its own data folder. The only way to fix this right now is go into apps and clear the data of textra manually. This in turn makes me loss all my settings but when i run diskusage again the data folder of textra is now small. Meaning all those videos i send are indeed gone from memory now.