Archive Conversations
Textra team you have Android Messages beat in every other way! But of course! I would love to have the ability to Archive message threads and decluttter my SMS in box in Textra. What do you think? 🤔
Archive recent article in Drippler...
Want to hide a conversation without deleting it? Enter chat archive. When you archive a chat, it will be removed from the main screen and will be available only under the separate Archived screen. Surprisingly, this feature is present in Android Messages and not in the Textra app.
caffeine1 commented
Are you serious?!? I can't archive my text messages???? WTF not?!?
Tom Klecker commented
Great. WTF is the 'chat archive' Looked in vain for it. Apparently it requires a poorly documented procedure as there is no on screen option by that name. Just saw other comments. The option to remove a message from 'inbox' without permanently deleting is ESSENTIAL.
What planet would not get that?
How about a meddage backup option? Deleting after messages are backed up would accomplish the same but less conveniently.
Astra Moore commented
Five years later. I think we all still want archive please.
Vay Pur commented
It used to have one. I've had Textra for years now. I got a new phone a few days ago and downloaded it again and now there's no archive available. But there is a mute. Before mine had archive and no notification mute for a specific contact.
Pog commented
June 2021, textra still doesn't have archive. Back to qksms
Pt commented
Need archiving feature and read receipts!
Marco Polo commented
9/18/2020. Can't find archive function. Found this msg thread - it's apparently still not implemented. Yikes.
Lisa Howard commented
Please add this feature!
Jeff James commented
Seriously - get this added. It's the only thing keeping me from using your app.
Adam commented
Yes, this should have been a no-brainer......but, yeah.
Get on it please, you're letting down your user base with this one simple yet missing feature.
Don commented
Textra needs an ARCHIVE feature!!!!!