How I Found Textra
Tmobile could not get MMS/SMS to function on my Samsung 965F phone, so after trying everything else, a tech assured me Textra would work (maybe a year ago). He was right and Textra is better in ways with no "cons" for me. If Tmobile customers are using Digits (very cool and unique but cons) though, they may wonder why their outgoing and incoming SMS/MMS are not synched on all supported devices (for any single line). They simply do not and the best I can offer is follow they follow no appearent rule. But it's not Textra. The lack of uniformity of messages on all devices (same line) is a problem whether using Textra or the native TMobile or phone app. The general reason follows the SMS/MMS design to specification of "create & send" (not synch) architecture. Other software that overlays a synch mechanism also fails and suffers other limitations. I find Textra unique and reliable, even more reliable than the phone or carriers native apps. I wish I shouldn't need to add my highest respect and appreciation for maintaining and enhancing Tectra without breaking it. Given Google's shifting, never ending, rarely openly reasoned musts & cannots your skill and dedication is remarkable. My own experience with "first don't break the app" with Android apps is something I never expected and can't accept, but as mentioned above, a platform that doesn't ever stabilize (which has benefits of course, as well) is more challenging than folks may realize. In a world where every system may be attacked at any time remember that' "security" or protection from external attack has not been the first or main motivation for all (or even most) architecture, platform, API, or policy changes. Some are pure improvement. Others help monetize the platform indirectly or attempt to preclude others from doing so.