Isn't It About Time We Got A Tablet Version of Textra?
I see plenty of feedback asking for a tablet version of Textra dating back a few years but yet nothing from the development team on their views. Now with Android tablets (especially Samsung), we have the ability to share across devices but Textra is not supported. How inconvenient it it at times to be working on an Android tablet, only to put it down to pick up an Android phone to read a text message then reply to it only to set the phone back down and carry on working on your Android tablet. Some places don't allow you to use a phone (such as a school classroom or some workplaces) but yet the use of a tablet is acceptable. It is now 2021, how difficult is it to listen to your (premium) customers and roll out a tablet form of Textra so we can integrate much easier across devices? While Textra has always been my go to app for texting/mms, it is rapidly getting left behind by new upcoming apps.

jimverville commented
Come on Textra, let's get the app to work with Samsung Galaxy Tab 8+
gtwnys commented
Please make it work on my Galaxy tablet, I've already paid. Why wont you allow it?
Dennis Shew commented
Totally agree that tablet support both Android and IPad needs to be provided