Privacy Locking Option.
Add some lock options like pattern lock, number lock etc. It'll be great if i can lock messages from a specific user :)

Chris Miller commented
I usually let others use my phone and wish I could keep them out my messages because some of them like to snoop
Daniel commented
hello. Im using duel sim card. but i feel hard what sms is sim 1 or 2.
How about saparate color sim1 sms and sim2 sms or something for easy to recognize. thank you for good app. -
Alan commented
Please add privacy box with option to show only icon on notification bar no other detail.
Anonymous commented
Please secret private box. I text some people I don't want others to see.. Uncont badge bug please fix
April commented
App is awesome but a private inbox is definitely needed. This alone makes me want to use another texting app......fix it PLEASE
Shay commented
I just downloaded this app and like it so far. However what's the problem with adding a password option or private inbox? The absence of this feature alone is something that will make me go back to go sms pro.
Mi commented
Secret box with a separate notification code name like 'Tips ' or 'Chat' that only appears in the notification status bar.
Anonymous commented
One of the best app l used but i suggest to have a private box
patoz commented
Why? That will make the app slower
Gwen Manson commented
Please secret private box. I text some people I don't want others to see
Bil commented
Secret private box please guys
rai jamshed commented
Plzz add a passcode option...
Overall textra is outstanding msging app -
NIKOLIC Alexandre commented
I would love to see a native Fingerprint lock.
3rd party applocks are veru buggy with the notification quick teply feature.
The keyboard is sometimes not working sometimes it works.
Etc... Or maybe fix that issue.
I tried several applock apps... Same results -
Heff commented
Just use an app locker 3rd party tool. I want textra to remain thin
Ur phone got a finger print scanner then use that to lick apps. -
bray commented
I got an email from Textra support saying they aren't going to add this feature. Time to stop holding out and switch aps. They said they might add it to chomp, but chomp isn't as good as Textra.
bray commented
Seriously.. Has been a top requested feature since Textra started using uservoice a few years ago. Many threads started for this same topic. Please combine them and pay attention to your users.
Jason-Andrew Simpson commented
Most other SMS apps have a "Private Box". But I used that feature to store my business contacts so I could keep my family/friends separate from all the work junk.
I'd rather just have a folder at the bottom of the conversation list to hold all of those contacts but I know others are asking for a "private storage" inbox. Either way works, as long as I can separate my threads. I hate having my work contacts mixed in with my personal stuff. -
Nikita commented
Funny how people are writing things like,"hide things from significant other...", "Cheater..." When it could simply be that one could want to keep something private and to themselves. Just because you're with someone, it does not mean they gain access to EVERY part of you life. The only mofo that has that level of clearance in my life is God. If your mind instantly goes to thoughts of someone cheating, it says a lot about YOU, not the other person....
Nova commented
When is this idea going to be implemented?
David commented
Fantastic idea!