Keep message unread via pop-up interface
When showing a message with the popup window, it would be great to be able to dismiss the window and keep the message unread.

Hope commented
Yes please add a later button!
Manny A commented
Good one
Tiff commented
Would Love This !!
Jekii Valenzuela commented
it will be great if you slide the pop up to the left, it will be marked as later and if to the right it will be marked as read
Edwin Juárez commented
Will this be implemented for the (non-pop-up) notification as well?
Anonymous commented
Please make it an option. I don't want this.
Jared commented
I agree on making it an option. I purposefully never click on any notifications unless I'm ready to read it right then... the menu -> later option just isn't convenient for me.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
me too
Anonymous commented
azor commented
Simply swipe the floating pop-up from down to up
Matt commented
if you do change this please make it an option. either only one action upon swipe: dismiss w/o read, Mark as read, delete. OR display buttons underneath with options state above. personally I love how swiping the notification marks it as read. but I can see used for the others as well
Neeraj K. Sahu commented
thats irritating...
Anonymous commented
Make this a settings option to select. satisfy the wants and don't wants.