Dark Theme Colors
First I must say that I love this app and it fixed all of my texting woes on Android. Every friend of mine has an iPhone, and this gets rid of the slideshow picture display, group texts work great, built in emojis, and the contact cards they send actually work for the first time. 10/5 stars on the app.
One thing is that while I appreciate the option for a dark theme since I have an AMOLED (dark only saves battery on OLED screens since the pixels themselves can turn off for blacks), the current dark theme is kind of a grey and doesn't actually take advantage of how OLED screens save battery on dark screens.
In these example screenshots you can see how in the Reddit News app and the system settings in SlimROM 4.3 for the galaxy s3, there are options to use a full black background.
before - http://i.imgur.com/kMxZFgn.jpg
true dark - http://i.imgur.com/56tFzHZ.jpg
Reddit News with gradient - http://i.imgur.com/V9smTBj.jpg
Reddit News gradient option in settings - http://i.imgur.com/MhRIAH9.jpg
Reddit News true dark - http://i.imgur.com/I8DxEEx.jpg
If the dark theme is changed to this or an option is given to use a true black background for the dark theme, it would be a great improvement to an already awesome app.