Allow users to turn off the auto underlining of times and dates in messages! Now I get questions why I underline times in my texts!
PLEASE allow your users to turn off the automatic underlining of dates and times in text messages! I understand it's so addressees can easily add a date/time to their calendar(s). I bet most NEVER do that with the majority of texts they receive.
This "underlining feature" is now generating lots of questions from friends. They want to know why I keep underling times in my texts!
This is VERY annoying.
I should be allowed to turn this underlining off.

Toby Kraft commented
I agree! Stupid to shove this 'feature' down our throats without a setting to turn it off. It also converts the message to MMS and the recipient gets links which they have no clue about! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!