quarantine/protect user from accidentally opening messages
When messages are sent to me, I am always worried about both opening the message accidentally, and allowing the malicious message/sender of the malicious message to retrieve my information (including passwords, etc.) as well as opening a backdoor into my phone and probably a way into my computer, LAN/other networks & servers, making virtually any kind of virus, including ability to monitor and actively access, change, or control anything at any time while remaining totally undetected for months or years. If anyone thinks that they are more protected from attack while using Instant Messaging, SMS and MMS services, think about how they figured out what your name is when you see the tag lines of their trying to get your attention.
We need a system that can do that which I mentioned above, but it would not hurt to have Textra the option to scan and when you open your inbox, it can say, "Jim/Rachel/whatever your name is, this message from L0v3ly_Gifts, Inc looks a little dangerous, shall I quarantine and block the sender?" As a follow up it could ask if you wanted this Lovely Gifts wannabe reported as well...just a thought.
- MC