Up Our Conversation Search Game
I've got two ideas which would, if implemented, would end global hunger, immediately stop the war in Ukraine, result in a Popeye's Chicken location to be opened within walking distance of every man, women, and child on Earth, and make it easier for me to find critical historic conversation segments enabling me to find the overly formal human name I told everyone I would be using to name my next cat far more efficiently, which who can argue would make everyone's lives a little bit better then before. So, these would be some profound capabilities here, thus, I expect the Textra development team to not just prioritize them above all other ideas, but I except them to drop whatever ideas they are currently working on to immediately start the development work for mine. My mom said I was smarter than most people she's met, and more handsome, so if that's the case, it should be self evident that everyone else's ideas are Ok, but mine are OKer. Now then, now that my requisite sarcastic mocking of entitled "Karens" is our of the way, we can move on to the ideas.
Again, whilst they are somewhat similar and relate to the same type of function, that being added functionality to the current historic conversation search function, they are, alas, unique enough to break out into 2 distinct ideas. Below is one of two, each captured in a separate idea post.
Game Changing Idea #1: Add the capability to bracket your search to a specific conversation. This should be relatively easy to implement, and would best be done so by simply adding the existing search mechanism, a search text box located somewhere in the top header of each conversation, and configuring them to automatically impose an automated filter which is both automatically applied and transparent to the user, which limits the search to the whichever conversation the search is being conducted in.
This is not meant to replace the current capability which executes a comprehensive, full system search of every historic conversation which have not been deleted. This simply enhances the existing search functionality and would provide a more robust text app.