You Ain't Cool if You Ain't Down With The Boolean Clown, Yo!
I've got two ideas which would, if implemented, would end global hunger, immediately stop the war in Ukraine, result in a Popeye's Chicken location to be opened within walking distance of every man, women, and child on Earth, and make it easier for me to find critical historic conversation segments enabling me to find the overly formal human name I told everyone I would be using to name my next cat far more efficiently, which who can argue would make everyone's lives a little bit better then before.
So, these would be some profound capabilities here, thus, I expect the Textra development team to not just prioritize them above all other ideas, but I except them to drop whatever ideas they are currently working on to immediately start the development work for mine. My mom said I was smarter than most people she's met, and more handsome, so if that's the case, it should be self evident that everyone else's ideas are Ok, but mine are OKer. Now then, with my requisite sarcastic mocking of entitled "Karens" out of the way, we can move on to the ideas.
Again, whilst they are somewhat similar and relate to the same type of function, that being added functionality to the current historic conversation search function, they are, alas, unique enough to break out into 2 distinct ideas. Below is one of two, each captured in a separate idea post.
Game Changing Idea #2: Honestly I was a bit surprised (I won't use the word "disappointed" because that word doesn't inspire, and doesn't light a fire ... of creativity) when I realized this capability wasn't already baked into the delicious, moist, and delectable Textra Cake, but that's why you guys have this idea system.
I realized that I was then committed to apply my poetic skills to propose this to the Textra development team, because I'm not willing to sit by quietly hoping the function will be added, I wanted, no, NEEDED to reject being part of the problem (by way of apathetic inaction), in favor of being part of the solution! That sense of hope I sense, hope my idea is implemented, it's not really hope, rather it's closer to a sense of pure entitlement and expectation. Almost like I feel a sense of ownership to the app, but not in the traditional, healthy way.
No, this sense is more literal, more of a "I demand that you deep everything for my needs, because I fancy myself so incredibly important that I become irrational and angry if I'm not treated in the same way as the owner of the company." kind of feeling. I'm sure most people here have had the same experience and felt this way about any number of things. (More mocking, sorry).
I've got some good news with will make you happy. This idea is so incredibly simple, the number of characters needed to describe it will represent less than 0.5% of the entirety of the post. What's that, did someone say something about brevity? Brevity, huh? GET OUT, YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!!!
Ready? Here it comessss!
Boolean Search Capability
BOOM! What was that? Why didn't I just post the idea and omit the rest? Well, I suppose I should have expected a boring, killjoy might be reading this, they are everywhere you know? The answer to that disgusting question is that because I want all my Textra kinfolk to have the most fulfilling lives possible, lives filled with fun, happiness, love, and laughter. How fulfilling would it have been limited to reading?:
Boolean Search Function
The answer is not fulfilling at all, in fact, I would offer that it would have been emptyfilling for the vast majority of those who read it. I owe to all my kinfolk to never half measure anything, especially when I have unfettered opportunities to make someone, anyone laugh, and I'll bet at least one of you did. Which means one thing, my work is done here so I shall retire to my sleeping chambers to take a delicious nap. I bid you all a good day.