message tagging/flagging/review reminders
One common problem that I have is that some people that I communicate with using SMS involve hundreds, if not thousands of messages daily. (if not actually, it feels this way lol)
Within those messages there's often one or two that come up that might be relatively important to follow up on, links like videos I'm asked to look at but I can't at the moment and other such nonsense that other people seem to put much higher priority on than I do. lol
The problem is, when later comes around and I actually have time to review them I've likely forgot about them or I can't find them. I'm not sure what word or phrase to search under.
right now I reply back with "M@rked" which for those that I communicate with regularly, know that I can't read it right at the moment but marked it so I can look at it later. This allows me to find any such message through search without having to dig.
But unless it's somebody that I use that with regularly, I often find myself having to explain it far more than I suspected that I would.
forwarding them to "Keep" results in Keep filling up with tasks where I want Keep to be reference material that I may need to access frequently in the future.
I can also lock messages and then search only locked messages But that is something that I generally use for important business related liability purposes where I want to mark something that someone has said that I may need to point out or prove what was said at a later time.
overall, be combination of things available works for the most part But I also have to remember to go back and search for "m@rked" and locked messages to make sure I haven't forgotten anything on a regular basis.
It would be great if I had The option to flag for follow up and set a reminder time/date while doing so much as I do in outlook with email. That way when it comes up again I can decide if I want to address it then, move the time/date, or clear it as being done.
I know that This would likely be a significant amount of work... clearly I paid user only option... But It would be a powerful expansion of capability.
now that I'm typing all this, one thing I haven't tried is seeing if there's an ability to share an individual message to Outlook which if so then I probably just wasted a lot of time writing this. If not, the ability to do so might be a lot easier than building it internally although I don't manage my email nearly as much as I mean I SMS anymore since So much of my email is nothing but junk anymore and those who really want to reach me use SMS.