export to text file/automatically partitioning of exports
I have 75, 474 messages in a single conversation that I need to export. Despite the option to skip the photos and send only the text messages, it crashes every time.
On other threads with a much lower count It opens up the application picker allowing me to select Outlook at which point attaches to the email. But the one that I need that has a enormous number of messages which I need to export for legal reasons crashes before they're getting to the application picker.
If there weren't so many I would find a way to maybe break it up into smaller batches. but even splitting it into two batches would require over 37, 000 individual message taps to either select half of them or deselect half of them after selecting all.
I Don't have any way of knowing what kind of limit might there is so even if I did that it may still fail. I suspect this is not a program error but actually a caching problem But again if there isn't any information displayed to tell me how much cash is needed there's nothing I can do there to make it work either.
It would be great short term if the export function displayed any limitations and additional info regarding the dara such as The size of the file the limitations cache limits etc, that let the user know where those limits are regarding message limits, character limits, memory limits, etc and show ed what the current message would do since there's already a splash screen that comes up allowing the user to opt out of including images, just some extra text in there with the information would be great....
long-term I think that if initiating the export ran some kind of script that would break up the messages into smaller batches to fit whatever those limits might be would be one possible option.
Even better would be to allow them to be broken up and exported to a simple text file rather than email.
meanwhile if this is a known problem if somebody could get back to me and let me know if there are any additional steps I can take aside from clearing the cache and resynchronizing textra That might resolve it , this pro user for as long as texture has been around would be greatly appreciative.
I have found an app called SMS backup and restore that allows me to export messages but the problem there is That it's an XML file with all the additional code in it and prefer not to have to go through the trouble of cleaning that up since manually editing such a file could render it useless from a legal perspective.