More Customization...(?)
I know this is pretty much beating a dead horse, so to speak 🫤, but honestly, it really WUD be super-dooper sweet if there were more Customization options, FR! 😬 gradients available to. ALL surfaces within Textra WUD really be SO DAMN SWEET!! by that I mean the chat bubbles, even the text (!😁🙏),
also to be able to apply gradients to the buttons & everything! (ok, ok. I'ma bit of a gradient freak, admittedly. 😬🖕
Seriously though, it really WUD be super nice! Any other such Customization options like this WUD also be welcome. When I go the "extra mile" to actually purchase an app and support the developer I really DO like to be able to customize literally any & every surface and option within the app That I e now purchased, feel me?? 👀👍
JS.... lol🤷