Option to delete automaticaly messages when a number set in settings is reached
Like in the classic sms app on Nexus 5
Out now in v3.29
Ryan commented
I believe this is the only thing stopping me from using textra.
Anonymous commented
This is very much needed these days with Avid texters you could easily have a couple thousand text per contact very quickly.
steven commented
i have 2059 and is make the app going slow
Anonymous commented
J'ai vraiment besoin de cette option car j'écris énormément de sms !!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
make this your next update, it's crucial to have this feature on a SMS app.
Anon commented
Yes, I thought textra used to have this option?
PeeT Gaming commented
It's an important thing in a SMS application, please add this on textra !
Anonymous commented
I believe this is the only feature that the stock messaging app has that Textra needs. I thought this kind of feature was very basic and only just now realized that a few of my conversations had thousands of messages in them, one nearly 8 thousand. That's just too much! And I don't want to have to manually delete the part of the conversations that is currently going on in order to get rid of the rest.
Anonymous commented
textra use to have this feature. now it's gone?
Anonymous commented
An option to set a limit of how many sms and mms messages were kept would be great! Can't be hard to incorporate surely?
Matt Green commented
I had over 3000 messages from some contacts which caused every messaging app to slow down. Please implement!
Anonymous commented
I would love this. so I don't have to delete whole conversations. just old messages.
Anonymous commented
i need it, please do it !
Skipp commented
can an option be added to delete old messages by date and time received? I have tons of messages more that 3 months old that I have to manually get rid of. I've had texting apps in the past that would automatically do this for me daily freeing up space and improving performance
Anonymous commented
The default messaging app lets you set a max limit for number of texts in a conversation and automatically deletes texts that exceed that (e.g. delete the oldest text when you're conversation hits text message 201).