Option to delete automaticaly messages when a number set in settings is reached
Like in the classic sms app on Nexus 5
Out now in v3.29
Sandra Owens commented
This is a good idea so you don't have so many in memory. And use space not necessary for your phone.
David Jones commented
How do I put my song on this tex
Anonymous commented
4.4.4 Messaging app also had feature, it was very nice.
leanne commented
Yes please have this option... Stock sms app has this
Steffen Jacobsen commented
Automatically delete messages older than X mouth would be nice too.
Anonymous commented
This must be implemented its a standard feature on other Android SMS apps including Samsung's system one
KD commented
Please only leave it as an option. I like being able to go back.
Tim commented
How can a messaging app NOT have this functionality?
Exquisitesexwizard commented
I prefer to keep a minimalist approach and delete all unnecessary msgs/txts . This feature would be extremely beneficial.
Anonymous commented
Really want this!
Celeste Bruce commented
Yes would save lots of memory
Anonymous commented
Very very needed.
Anonymous commented
Should add this
Ryan Caldwell commented
This option should be implemented ASAP.
Anonymous commented
Pretty please with butter on top
jon bressler commented
Either this or archiving messages would be fantastic
Paul commented
Do this
Jonas commented
This function is very much needed!
don commented
...or info on archiving!
don commented
Oh Textra. ...just discovering there appears to be a shelf life on messages. Why cannot old messages be archived? Sometimes it's VERY important to refer to old messages for important reasons. Thx