The ability to see more of what you are typing.
Ray commented
Please fix this, or make it an option. Very difficult to scroll and read what you've type with only two lines of text visible.
Tom commented
Especially when typing horizontally, the suggested text line completely covers the typing box which for me, makes it impossible to use. I love the app but please fix this.
dean commented
Would really like to see this.
Anonymous commented
REALLY need this! All recent sms app doesn't has it... WHY?? We need to see more on what we are typing!
mang isda commented
That would be great
Anonymous commented
I too have found this to be a significant impediment. I thought for a while it was just me who thought this to be a big deal. I sure hope this is addressed soon.
craig commented
This is a must!!! anytime a recommend this application, most people won't use because you lose text in typing area.
Nemanja Ze commented
This is a must! It's called big text editor. Just emailed you abot it.
Anonymous commented
I've never seen a texting app handle typing this way. Actually typing this comment is the way I would like to see it, with keyboard taking the bottom half and the white box taking the top where I can see it and scroll if I need to.
Anonymous commented
would be very helpful.
dp commented
I would also support being able to see more of what i'm typing. This is the main reason my wife doesn't use this app.