Mark as Unread
It would be awesome if when you long-press on a message, you can mark it as unread.
In my case this is useful because that way It reminds me that this specific message is important.
Anonymous commented
+1 on this idea!!
Zack Brinkmeier commented
This is a must have. I am missing important messages because I cannot mark them as unread.
Dylan commented
Agreed, would love this feature
Brian commented
Please, please, please!!!
Chris C commented
Mark as Unread is very helpful...Textra is great but this feature is definitely lacking.
Jeff commented
How is this feature still not implemented? It is a lifesaving thing! Please implement ASAP!
Anonymous commented
YES! This feature is the one thing that Textra needs in an otherwise pretty awesome msg app. It should be there. Is there a reason it can't be due to carrier protocol or something? Do any other msg apps have this feature can anyone tell me??
Lee commented
Totally agree
Brian commented
Agree! Something like this would be incredibly helpful as I us this primarily for communicating with clients. Would gladly pay pro for it.
Clark Batko commented
We already have this ability through the notifications panel as "later." Please add it within the conversations!
Anonymous commented
Please add this as a priority request Textra! I can't imagine it would require a vast amount of coding to implement and would be so helpful. There are many times I've wanted to leave a message unread to deal with later but accidentally read it, and then forgot to reply later.
Thomas commented
SMS app even :-)
Thomas commented
Must have feature, this was possible even before "smart" phones, I'm looking for an alternative email app solely for the reason
Matthew Browne commented
+1. In the meantime, I'm using the "Share as Email" feature to email myself texts that require follow-up.
Anonymous commented
I have the pro version and am looking for an alternate app just for this feature.. make it happen!!
Mari commented
That is actually a really good idea..
Mike commented
Simply put, this is a must have feature.
Lee commented
Totally agree with this one very annoying when your not able to get to a computer to act on your message, you can do it with emails so why not tetra?
Rasheed commented
The unavailability of this feature is the main reason why I prefer email to SMS.
When messages are not marked unread or highlighted in any way, you overlook doing important things and get into much trouble that should be avoidable.
JuLs commented
I get hundreds of messages a day contacting multiple clients I need something like this now.