Sms 2-5s delay send. So you can cancell sending message when something is wrong.
Sms 2-5s delay send. So you can cancell sending message when something is wrong.
Ready for release 2.23 out early next week.
Barbara Faye Kennel commented
My bad! But, I just did something one should never do. Assume. First, I didn't read closely enough, the list of all the wonderful things Textra can do. I just thought, it must have a "delay to send texts" feature. To my astonishment, I didn't even hit send. Something went wrong and off it went. To my brother, who has a terrible temper, his time is an hour later and he goes to bed at 10.I'm a night owel and it was after 12:15 here (1:15+ there.) When I downloaded Textra, I uninstalled my apps that did that.
How difficult would it have been to have included that?
I now don't understand what is makes Textra any better than other messaging app. -
Anonymous commented
this is an important clever feature and it will be much appreciated
Charles Harris commented
Please please please add this option and also a slight sending and receiving animation would make it look alot better... Visually speaking of course
al commented
would be great to have a delayed sent SMS which can be setup up to 5 sec. thank you.
Hardy commented
would be a great addon feature.
Anonymous commented
It's a must have for a high-end sms app
Anonymous commented
Yes! Optional delay with user-choice of length would be terrific, thanks!
Christian Fiscus commented
This is an excellent feature that Gosms has. A user defined delay choice, ie 2s - 10s would be very helpful! Helps avoid unwanted mistakes or recipients.
Anonymous commented
yes please also add this feature of delay sending.
Jamal commented
One of the best features of Chomp.
Lynne commented
yes, this definitely needs to be added or a confirmation pop-up before sending an sms :)
phil t commented
This would great, please add it.
Anonymous commented
Would not it be better simply to use a pop-up window: "Send this SMS?" - ? :)
Julien commented
Smart idea! It would be great!
Charles Harris commented
Once you use this you will wonder why it was implemented from the start.. We need this feature asap
Rajesh Deshpande. commented
Will be very much useful.
Anonymous commented
Yes please fixing typos is important to me. or sending an angry text and then regretting it and being able to stop it. please lol
Hardy commented
that's a must many unfinished or messages sent in error
jeremy commented
yes its important
Bo commented
Can't upvote this request enough!!