Sms 2-5s delay send. So you can cancell sending message when something is wrong.
Sms 2-5s delay send. So you can cancell sending message when something is wrong.
Ready for release 2.23 out early next week.
Anonymous commented
I agree! It's a must -3-
Anonymous commented
Hi, I often touch the send icon by accident (too close the space for writing) and my sms has gone before I'm finished. So, a message asking if we agree to send the sms right away would be fine. In the same time, to change the place of the sending icon could prevent such embarassing problem... What about this suggestion ? ☺
Laurent D. commented
we need it !! very useful !
Anonymous commented
An optional delay on sending text messages would be great!
Anonymous commented
I switched from Chomp figuring I hadn't ever needed to use delay feature. Big mistake I sent a message to wrong person and it was about that person. Chomp would have saved me on this one.
Samir commented
Yes please, the only thing I feel that other apps (Chomp) have that are unique and useful
Leslie Fried commented
You have it on chomp. why not here? overall I like this app better except it lacks delay
Anonymous commented
Let user choose, 1 sec to 5 seconds though
Jayson Clark commented
please. spell check is making me look stupid.