Be able to select individuals from a contact group rather than just the whole group.
when sending group texts it would be nice to deselect contacts in the contact group. or for easier contact searches be able to select contacts from groups rather than the whole group

Out in release 2.35 rolling out now.
HJJ commented
Like others have said, it would be much more helpful to be able to select or deselect contacts from groups BEFORE the group's contacts are loaded into the recipients field. Thanks for reading.
Gregg commented
NOT completed. At least not where I can find it. And the release notes suggest this is just for composing new messages, not replies.
Nathaniel Honka commented
Would be nice to select them before they are embedded in the text message. That way you could pick and chose before the message is created.
Anonymous commented
It says u completed this but I don't get this option, why?
Mark Rosing commented
Where is it???!
Anonymous commented
Ver 2.36 no option to deselect contact on group text. Please implement.
Michael commented
I'm running ver. 2.36 and the option to deselect individuals in group text is not implemented.
Robert commented
Should be in a drop down menu. Not the way it is. It is tough to deselect contacts in that small bar
Robert commented
Would be nice to select them before they are I'm bedded in the text message. That way you could pick and chose before the message is created who it goes too
Drew commented
When I click on the group it does not expand the group as I would expect to permit me to individually select the contacts. Am I doing something wrong?
Anonymous commented
Thank you for including this new feature in the latest release!! Greatly needed!!
ludovic commented
Yes! Good idea. Please Textra dev. Add this option!
wang commented
This should be done.
Anonymous commented
Must have!!!!! Will have to go back to another app.
Bernd commented
Yes. This is a must have !
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature I consider it important enough that I have to return to my old app until added.
Fatima Sajid Khan commented
Extremely important!! +3
Anonymous commented
yes need be able to add and remove others from group as well...
Anonymous commented
No other sms app seams to have this anymore!
Anonymous commented
Yes please! This feature plus the option to send individual messages to a group would get me totally off the stock sms on my LG G3