Ability to customize bubble styles/fonts
Would love different bubble styles, each one looking different. A change of fonts would be nice too. I know other apps import fonts used on your device, giving you tons of options. Please add this! :)

Done in v3.14 rolling out now.
Cindy commented
Please, let me at least change the colors. They are all too intense. Need some lighter colors. Would like the ability to customize
Justin Cantor commented
I hate square corners and would like to be able to have a coloured outline of bubble with whatever colour ,deep black or white filling. Please
Precious Jed Cabural commented
It would be so great of the fonts can be customized as well. To be able to use stand alone font packages app. I'll definitely fall in love with textra
Judy commented
Would love option to show texts without bubbles.. Just in list form.
osama commented
I m tired of the squrish one plz need rounded one !!
osama commented
Anonymous commented
Who cares about groovy crap, when functionality like selecting text is missing. Not whole message selection words, addresses, and numbers. Come on textra, rating you one star till you fix. -signed a paid customer regretting supporting the app
Kevin commented
I can't wait for the bubbles they'll look great with Textra!
Anonymous commented
New bubbles would be great, but also the ability to remove bubbles altogether and just have each subsequent message a different colored bar like in Handcent (Next SMS).
Also why are the notification icon colors so limited compared to the app icon colors? I have the app icon and the theme in the app a nice dark red but there's NO RED NOTIFICATION COLOR. Pretty strange.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Do an individual theme background for each conversation
providencia commented
I would love to be able to change the color of the fonts
Ramesh P commented
I like how each convo can have different colors but I would like to pick a color for each person/contact. Also I would like a nightmode so its easier on the eyes.
Anonymous commented
Can we get bubbles around our texts like iphone? I don't like the squared bubbles. If we had this, Textra would be perfect. And a brighter green color as well..like a bright lime green
Nieci commented
Please do this
Anonymous commented
Yes please! And change background option too. Great app, but more flexibility would be nice :)
Tim commented
Bubble style and font color editing would be cool
birdy commented
Please do this
Lisa Bertel commented
I love the idea of being able to customize the bubbles!!! Please do this!!!
vinj commented
does not support dual sim