More bubble color options.
I'd like customizable colors, or a few in the selection that are dark with white letters. dark blue and dark grey with white writing.
Do commented
I'd like purple and pink colors
Anonymous commented
Can you do this now?
Shaun commented
I don't like the new set of colours. I need a gold, and better reds.
An RGB and her colour picker would be the best.
Anonymous commented
I'd love to see a simple (radial) color picker accessible to customize elements of the interface. In the Dark theme—which looks great!—the two greys available to distinguish between bubbles are too similar in shade.
Anonymous commented
The two reds at the top right and left are exactly the same on my phone. Can we have a dark red please? Although a full RGB color picker would be awesome!
Jonathan Allain commented
Just give us complete color control, why even limit us at all?
Vicki commented
Different colors in fonts would be is a very nice app
Brian commented
The ability to identify specific contact groups like favorites or in my case my work and employees by a specific color in the inbox list would make identifying who the message came from and it's importance so easy.
Anonymous commented
softer colors and color shades (like in qksms) would be great, the current colors are all the same and they aren't very pretty
Anonymous commented
I want this!
Drl commented
I'd like to see the color options that qksms offers. They add several shades of the colors you offer, and I'd like to see a white action bar color opition
flte commented
i would like to set bubble colour depending of the contact group and by exception contact by contact
frank commented
leaving this comment to affirm my agreement with all who have commented already- I would love to be able to choose my own colors from a slider or color wheel instead of the pre defined palette. all the predefined colors are too bright, I would prefer more earth tones. sliders would allow more people to be happy because there would be so many more color choices!
Angela commented
I would really just like a color slider for bubbles, maybe text as well--though a toggle for black or white text woukd be great!
Anonymous commented
I want to see!
Anonymous commented
I haaate all of the colours being the same. it is colour OVERLOAD no matter which colours you choose. so ugly. I'm regretting updating so much. considering uninstall.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see an option for setting bubble colour for incoming messages, individual incoming bubble colours would be better.
Anonymous commented
If this doesn't happen, people will flee this app quickly... Unusable at the moment.
chris commented
Just let the incoming text color, outgoing text color, timestamp color, bubble color, primary color, accent color, and background color be defined independently using custom colors (i.e. not from a predefined palette).
Anonymous commented
Why were custom color bubbles for individual contacts removed without a warning? It was an awesome feature. Removing it was a step back.