Let us choose what quick reply method we prefer
I much preferred the new style of quick reply (the one prior to this update) as it was truly 'quick'. This best of both worlds version feels like a step back and I'd like the option to revert back to the old style.

Tony commented
I remember when this was implemented. It was such a great quick reply option for sheer speed! But then everyone complained because people are naturally resistant to change. Truthfully, the Textra team should have made it an option and not just replaced the old functionality. Then they reverted it due to all the complaints, but I wish they would have just made both an option. I hope this function can return at some point. I really want it.
Yury commented
it would be perfect if tapping the lollipop popup would reveal/expand a small text field (one line that expands as you type) for quick reply
Jonathan commented
I know, the poor devs can't win as some users like the old pop up, and some users liked the new shade drop down. I didn't like it at first, but now that it's gone I miss it. It seemed faster than the pop up. I'd love to see an option to pick which style we'd like to use. Though I know this doesn't make your job any easier. :-D