notification sound in conversations
I know Textra "intentionally" disabled sounds while a conversation is open, but I would like this to be an actual option. I'm not always staring at the screen and I don't always exit from the app/convo. Unless I'm watching the phone I can never tell when someone responds (while convo is open). Just make it an OPTION!

Added in Release 3.19 of Textra out first week in May. Email us for an advance copy at if you cannot wait ;-)
Thaddeus Skinner commented
I have a new s6 from sprint and have to used the verizon message app becouses it's the only one that give a notification inside a conversation. Textra has a nice app, but have to be the stupidest people on the planet not to havd this as an option. Everyone... just use the verizon free app, it does not matter what carrier you are on.
Wicked68 commented
Yes, the notification sound needs to still be on. I've missed many texts because the thread is still open and there was no notification for the new texts
Anonymous commented
I won't upgrade to paid until this is fixed
Mitch commented
Do the developers look at these comments? Do they care at all?
Mitch commented
I'd love to hear from a developer -
Mitch commented
I've paid for this app. Thought it was an improvement. Now seriously considering removal. This needs to fixed now. Who thought this was a good idea? I've missed so many messages as a result of this folly.
Mitch commented
Sorry but this was a seriously stupid idea. I keep telling people I never received their response because the bloody notification sound never played. Fix this please.
Anonymous commented
The lack of this has me ready to delete the app. I miss a ton of messages. Especially when the screen automatically turns off
Anonymous commented
Please implement this, or some sort of strengthening of notifications in apps, I find that sometimes if a contact replies quick enough, I don't realise that they have responded.
Matt Lavery commented
Pleeease make this an option! It sounds like they claim that the tone will play if the conversation is open and the screen's off, but that's not the case for me. There are a lot of Complaints about this problem with the native lollipop messaging app. Textra could stand to get a lot more downloads if they can integrate this option into their app.
Mark Rosing commented
I also would like the option to have notifications when app is open!
Dannie Darko commented
PS. Whatsapp deals with this far more elegantly by having a quieter, subtler sound for when messages arrive when in the conversation. That would be better, but there should also be an option for having the full, loud alert while in conversation for the reason detailed in my last comment - instant messaging tends to be different to SMS texting!
Dannie Darko commented
I would just like to add my agreement with everything that's been said here by others. This is the only problem with Textra, but quite a big one. No one likes missed texts, they can damage relationship and lose business.
Switching the screen off (or it timing out) as I habitually do as I don't use lock screen, does not make it play a sound. Personally, I feel a sound should be played even when the screen is still on, as with texting unlike a messenger like Whatsapp, I don't tend to sit there watching the screen waiting for the next message. The gaps tend to be longer and I tend to be doing stuff while I text.
As people will disagree on what suits best, I reckon this should be an option in the settings, with three options - always play sound, play sound only if not in conversation or screen is off, play sound only if not in conversation. Or two options maybe - but please do address this, I've also considered uninstalling because of it and am a dedicated pro user.
Don Fano commented
I understand that the notification sound is disabled by design while the conversation is open, and yes, I prefer there's no notification sound while I'm in the conversation. However, the notification sound should be turned on WHEN the device is on standby.
Anonymous commented
I don't understand how this could be considered a 'feature'. I have missed so many texts from not having a notification here. I'm close to uninstalling if this doesn't get fixed.
CARLOS commented
I switched from the standard messages app on the S6 because no sound in Convo and I downloaded this thinking there would be a sound but at least there's a vibration but not good enough, I need that sound because also due to Samsung thinking it was smart to not have a sound I lost business too
Marty commented
Unfortunately, this is a deal-breaker for me. Lost too much business from missed messages. Let me know when this is corrected so I can re-install.
djp commented
For me this is the single most irritating thing about textra. My phone doesn't lock immediately even if I thurn the screen off. I end up checking my phone and, what do you know..., I missed a reply because textra thought I was still looking at the screen!
djp commented
Single most irritating "feature". Nearly enough for me to go stock. I'm even a pro user!
Don L commented
Same here all. This sucks. I can't just stare at my screen for minutes at a time. That's WHY texting works. I even set it to vibrate and that doesn't work either. This is the one thing that makes me want to get rid if this app. I miss soooo many texts because the screen shuts off and I'm not gonna blow my battery life by leaving the screen on. I'm looking for a new app. If anyone has any good ones, let me know please.