notification sound in conversations
I know Textra "intentionally" disabled sounds while a conversation is open, but I would like this to be an actual option. I'm not always staring at the screen and I don't always exit from the app/convo. Unless I'm watching the phone I can never tell when someone responds (while convo is open). Just make it an OPTION!
Added in Release 3.19 of Textra out first week in May. Email us for an advance copy at if you cannot wait ;-)
Lara Marie commented
Yes!!!! PLEASE make this an option!! I'm so frustrated from missing so many texts I'm ready to go back to Verizon messenger and I've only been using this app for a few days!!! Other than that I'm pretty happy with it :)
August commented
This feature should at least be an option. It makes me resent this app every time I miss a text - it happens a lot, because there is no sound. I can't even just lock my screen - I have to exit the app entirely to get a sound. It's really thoughtless for the developers to just write this off as unnecessary when clearly it is something people want.
Anonymous commented
Yes. I want this feature also. I am not even sure if the vibrate notification works correctly in an active conversation. I sent a text and was holding my Moto G in my hand to at least get a vibrate notification for the reply. I was outside on a sunny day so it was hard to see the visual indicators. Was getting annoyed that I hadn't gotten a reply, then realized I had, several minutes earlier, but still wasn't aware of it. This is my only complaint with the app.
Ryan Jordan commented
Had to comment again since I'm no longer angry (I apologize for my earlier post) but have transitioned to desperation. I LOVE the app except for this one thing. I have not been aware of dozens of texts, many time sensitive, and I got an earful from, we'll, mostly my wife, but my boss got on me too... 1 and a half times. Please, Please, Please put this option in... I'm too old to change texting habits I've had since the 90's. Although you already have my money, and shouldn't really care now, not having this feature is a deal breaker for me if not added soon.
Anonymous commented
I would like the option to turn on sounds while in conversation since I put my phone down and can miss any messages from the same/current conversation before the phone screen sleeps.
Ryan Jordan commented
FOR F'S SAKE!! Developers, if you want to intentionally limit an option for everyone because YOUR ears do not like the sound of YOUR notification alert, go work for Apple. People are missing very important time sensitive texts for your petty preferences. Please put the OPTION to hear alerts in conversations.
Ryan Huffer commented
Yes! It works with vibrations, but not for sounds. Hope they add this option in.
joebark commented
I'll join this request... Would really like an option to enable notifications while in the conversation. I miss several texts per day because I don't exit the app after reading the initial text.
Anonymous commented
Seriously!! Asked them ever since I started using it. Just have the option FFS. I hate staring at the screen or closing it to hear a noise.
Tommy Nguyen commented
This is great idea. A lot of my friends who switch from iPhone to Android want this feature also. I told them about this app but they don't like it cause iPhone has this feature. If I can, u would use all my votes for this feature.
djp commented
Yes please. Make it an option. I've missed texts because my screen was on and unlocked but I wasn't looking.
Swany commented
Yes please! Having serious issues not knowing when msgs come in while app is open!
Anonymous commented
This is really important to me. I keep hunting for an sms app that has that function and only the stock one has it. This is too important for me not to have. Considering the requests for this it would be nice if the developer would add the option.
Sheila commented
I completely agree with being able to choose whether or not we want a sound played. I have missed texts due to not having a notification sound when the screen is on the conversation.
Scott commented
I agree. It is dumb to have a sound when you send a message, but not when you receive one. There have been plenty of times when I have been talking with someone and they haven't replied for several minutes and the sceen shuts off. When they do reply, I am never notified. I might look back at the phone a couple of hours later.
A few times where I missed time sensitive events with friends and work. I would like to have the sound on every message received.
Cameron commented
I have missed so many texts because of this "feature." I'm on a Nexus 5 running stock 5.1, and I often don't get the notification sound even with the screen off. I set my phone down or put it in my pocket and don't always hear/feel the vibration. Please give us the option to have the notification sound for each and every received text! Thanks!
Richard commented
Galaxy S4, and I don't get notifications for the active conversation even when my screen is locked. would love this feature... better yet, an option to set the volume level differently for the active conversation
Anonymous commented
I hope this doesn't require 1000's of likes or comments in order to be taken seriously. my family and I have all switched to Tetra from GoSMS after 2 years of being with them (I mention that to say we don't whimsically change apps). But, We 5 think this is serious enough to warrant looking elsewhere if this is not 'fixed' because we miss so many texts.
David Back commented
No notification sound while in convo is logical, unfortunately, even when screen is off/locked, I still don't get notifications for that convo (Galaxy S4 JellyBean)
Jonathan commented
I'd love to be able to turn notifications back on for open threads. Sometimes I'll just turn the screen off or put the phone down at work and miss multiple texts because there is no notification. That also means I don't get notifications pushed to my Pebble or pushbullet so unless I keep looking or intentionally back out after each text, I'll miss something.