Put timestamps for every message delivered and sent. Most text clients have it
So basically I just want it so that every message sent and recieved has a date and time stamp like it usually would when a couple minutes have passed but instead I want them constantly

Slide left in the convo to see timestamps.
DEROWE commented
Helpful. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Just want to get this phone working properly okay ?
Anonymous commented
Just looking forward to everything working right on my phone okay ?
Anonymous commented
There is a wealth of information about text messages available.
About messages that are sent and received.
Please share that information with us I want to know when the message was sent when it was delivered and when it was read etc. -
Anonymous commented
P.S. Sliding the SMS text over to the left does not help. Neither pressing down for more info. It just states the time that you received the text (e.g. when you put the phone on), not the time message sent.
Anonymous commented
I posted here before. Any way that Textra will once again make their app work so that I know what time a message was *sent*? I turn my phone off at night, and sometimes in the day. When I turn it back on and have a message it will only tell me that the SMS was sent at the time on turned the phone on, which can't be. Please fix this bug. I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 running KItKat 4.4.2 and it is driving me u the wall not being able to get the time the message was sent. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
i need to know how to display time of send and receive for each message......
if anyone know the solution of this problem then must rply me fast..... i will thankful to u...
Anonymous commented
Today is 1/27/18. Textra used to give the date and time of the SMS message even if the phone had been off for days! Why over the last few months did Textra stop this? When I put my phone on it will only give me the time and date that the phone comes on, even if the message is days old!
Anonymous commented
swiping left shows time and day (of week) of sending, not the date.....how to get this?
Anonymous commented
Sliding left in facebook message does NOT show date and time any more...it used to ! How can you see date/time now?
Anonymous commented
absolutely ridiculous that the admin flagged this chain as completed. especially since they ignored the premise of the post.
Böppler C. commented
Thanks for the swiping trick but it shouldn't be this way for something so essential. Come on! Text messages isn't just for kids! Serious business conversations go on in text messages nowadays!
texter commented
status is not completed - having to physically slide the texts to see a timestaml is not the same as keeping them fully visible
Anonymous commented
I need to know when I sent a text and I need to know when I received a text. Emails do this, phone calls do this, send something through Amazon, they track it and show it. Credit card receipts have it. What are you NOT getting about this? TIME STAMP EACH TEXT, SENT AND RECEIVED, WITH BOTH TIME AND DATE!!!! JUST DO IT!!
Barbara Wright (Babs Drennan) commented
Another vote for being able to permanently leave time stamps under every message. No swiping required.
Roger McComb commented
I am new to Textra but I concur that we should be able to have timestamps show in our message bubbles. Please make this happen.
Perryinjax commented
I too think Textra REALLY NEEDS to show timestamps without having to swipe left.
Timestamps should be seen AT A GLANCE, without an EXTRA step involved. -
Anonymous commented
Why isn't this a thing yet. I paid for this app and it isn't thing!?!? W.t.f.!!!!!
dean commented
Another vote for being able to permanently leave time stamps under every message (same format as the "delivered" line in sent messages). No swiping required.
WATYF commented
Another vote for being able to permanently leave time stamps under every message. No swiping required.