Scheduled sms so you can set a date and time for a text to be sent.
To be able to send a message at a specific date and time in the future. For example when I know a birthday is coming up but I'll be asleep at midnight when it turns into their birthday, I scheduled a msg to be sent to them at midnight and I do t have to be awake to send it. Or when I work overnights and I need to text someone that works a normal schedule, I don't want to wake them with a text in the middle of the night but I don't want to end up forgetting by morning either. So I schedule the msg to be sent at a time I think they would be awake and then I can forget about it until they reply. And sooooooooooooooooo many more uses!!
Scheduling out now in Release 2.17
Nick Post commented
Where is this option? I don't see it
Sterling Chavis commented
This feature doesn't seem complete without being able to set a recurrence and the ability to revise a scheduled message's content and schedule.
Anonymous commented
If this is suppose to work, it doesn't.
Popa Ioan commented
In + panel you can find a clock and schedule sms.
Judy commented
Yes I agree. How do I get teleasr 2.17
Anonymous commented
I thought I saw where to schedule send now i can't find it. Help!
Josephus commented
This function isn't completed or too hard to find.
Anonymous commented
I looked but don't see where to schedule any message for a specific time.
Lisa commented
How do I use the schedule part? I updated but don't see a clock.
Anonymous commented
How do I get more subscribers?