ability to add contact to address book from text
I get a text from a new number, and rather than just clicking the number to say "add to address book" or "add to contacts," whatever, I have to copy the number, open the address book, paste the number, and add the contact. I don't understand why I can't avoid the copy/pasting and have Textra open a "new contact" in my address book for me.

Anonymous commented
how do you even send a message on textra? I'm a new user
Anonymous commented
How do you add another member to a text conversation
Anonymous commented
Thank you Anonymous! Adding a new contact is easy! Textra Free rocks. I can't believe anyone prefers Messenger with the bright red screens and no ability to customize. Love ya Textra.
Anonymous commented · April 25, 2017 04:38
Adding new contacts
← Knowledge Base
Sure you can, please press the expand icon/arrow (top right) in conversation screen and then the dotdotdot beside the contact number under 'People in Conversation' section for options.
Click on add contact - this takes you to your contacts list.
Click on Create contact - voila. -
Anonymous commented
I have textra pro and have one contact that has vanished when the sender texts me it is not shown and reappears in messenger which i have disabled the sytem locks up at random as well going to find something else
Guy Saboureau commented
Why when I type the first letter of the contact, textra does not find it.
Covfefe commented
None of the comments helped me. Maybe my version is too old? Textra is a horrible app.
Don commented
It's crazy that a contact can't be added easily! I can't find the address book if one exists. Going back to Messenger! Unbelievable that a texting app was released for use without this basic functionality deficit being noticed and immediately addressed! Sloppy!
Anonymous commented
Adding new contacts
← Knowledge Base
Sure you can, please press the expand icon/arrow (top right) in conversation screen and then the dotdotdot beside the contact number under 'People in Conversation' section for options.
Click on add contact - this takes you to your contacts list.
Click on Create contact - voila. -
Anonymous commented
Still need this feature. You would think it would be right there after the drop down v . "Add contact info".
Pressing the # sign does nothing.
Come on developers. I really enjoy this app and even paid for the non-free one. This should be an easy feature to have.
Casey commented
I got here with the same thing lol... I'm thinking i gotta be missing something right in front of my eyes...because who would forget to put that in their text app? I'm still able to send & receive SMS so that's nice...
Problo S-Keytar commented
used to be able to add unknown phone number to address book but this seems to have been disabled with a recent release (Oct 2016). any reason why?
Anonymous commented
This is ridiculous. I am trying to add an email address to my contact list and its impossible. Going back to messenger
Erik Sargent commented
It works, but it has to be made simpler. The way stock messenger does it is far better, much clearer. Getting to the default search contact list in contact manager is not expected. The "add" button in textra could be bigger/bolder/clearer as well.
Anonymous commented
Thanks for the help Anonymous!!!
Anonymous commented · January 08, 2015 12:46
This actually already exists, though it is hidden. If you click on the circle with the "#" sign in it in the top right, then click the person icon, you'll be taken to your contacts screen. Click to ADD a contact (usually the + sign or similar) and you'll create a contact with the number from Textra already added.Fixing this is probably just an interface change, but the functionality is already there.
Anonymous commented
there is no # sign on the upper right to add contacts, how do I add a contact or import contacts on 2.34?
anon commented
To anonymous on1 8 15 1246pm...
THANK YOU!! That was driving me crazy... -
KC commented
I have been able to add contacts, but its a little complicated. Need to simplify it.
Bdub commented
Hell yeah. Can't believe it's not possible yet
Phil commented
I just loaded Textra on an LG G3 with lollipop 5.0.1 and it does nothing except send and receive text messages......you can't add contacts or send pictures and it looks like options are missing from the UI......I should be able to tap the incoming message and add the person as a contact but it does not work nor is there a circle with the # in it anywhere on the UI I am looking at........b4 on my Nexus 5 when I installed Textra all my contacts with their pictures showed up and populated the contact list automatically....now nothing. Now what cause Chomo and Hangout are doing the same thing on the newer devices.
Anonymous commented
This actually already exists, though it is hidden. If you click on the circle with the "#" sign in it in the top right, then click the person icon, you'll be taken to your contacts screen. Click to ADD a contact (usually the + sign or similar) and you'll create a contact with the number from Textra already added.
Fixing this is probably just an interface change, but the functionality is already there.