Indicator for draft messages not yet sent in the general view
It would be great to have an indicator for draft messages (in the general list with all the threads) for those that have not been sent yet.
This feature already exist in MMS/SMS and other apps.
Something like a little "draft" in red or an icon to easily spot which thread has a draft message.
Thanks !

Added in Textra 3.17
Joel commented
Anybody figure out how to find a Draft message? Or how to get rid of the Draft indicator?
Donna Wheaton commented
Please help! am struggling with a long Textra text message that I just lost , before I hit send :( I dont see where the draft setting is, so I can recover it?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! -
Anonymous commented
This update made me love this app more than I already do!!!
Anonymous commented
Thanks :)
Anonymous commented
Love it!
Ray commented
Finally fixed! Whooohoooo! Thanks textra
Jose commented
Please, please, please....incorporate Drafts!
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Rob commented
Agreed. This is a necessary feature that should take priority over customization-related features.
Anonymous commented
i like!
please, draft messages!
John Crawford commented
YES to this. MUCH needed.
Eric commented
I didn't realize how much I miss this feature until today. This has to be the only messaging platform out there that doesn't have an indicator for draft messages. I missed sending a reply to someone for several days until they asked me again, just because I got busy and switched apps. Didn't even know it wasn't sent.
Dj Isaman commented
I completely agree with everyone else! This is my favorite texting app and im considering going pro but it just amazes me that there is no indication for my drafted messages. I love that the android will bring my drafted message to the top of my threads so that when i open my messaging app, i can see the message immediately, & since it says "draft" i know that I still have a chance to edit and read it before i send it.
This would be the BEST & PERFECT app if it had this capability! -
Dawn commented
I sent an email requesting this feature and then immediately found this feedback post lol
If they could add this then I would gladly switch from go sms -
Anonymous commented
something as Simple as a Rod Dot/Icon similar to the Green Icon that appears when I have an UNREAD MESSAGE
fedtho commented
Ditto everything said earlier. I just upgraded to Lollipop and the "Draft" mark/save was a feature of the Jelly Bean stock messaging app ! (which was excellent by the way; I switched to Textra because of the Lollipop's lame stock sms app...)
Otherwise, Textra's great, I should add. -
Luke Hagenbach commented
Is there any update on the quirky drafts implementation of Textra? I've found that Textra does have drafts saved somewhere, but will not let you access it from the user interface.
For example, if I quick compose a text to someone that I do not have a conversation history for in Textra, and then go and work on some other app, if I come back to Textra, I cannot find that message to continue with it. However, if I open up a new text to that same number, it will show the previously entered words. This means that Textra has a draft saved somewhere, but isn't allowing me to access it through conventional means. I'm a Textra Pro user, if that helps.
MM commented
I also would love this feature. I have a horrible tendency to type out a response to a text and then fail to click send and not realize it. This would really help with some awkward "I thought I responded to that" interactions with people.
DC commented
A draft text indicator would be a value added feature, further enhancing Textra's functionality
Ross commented
As a pro user, this is the only feature request that is holding this app back. When composing a draft text (especially for infrequently texted contact), the draft is hidden under the most recently texted contacts. A draft icon would be great too!