Ability to clear recent emoji's
There should be an option to clear the recently used emoji list
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!!!
Paul commented
I would like to be able to clear recently used emojis.
[Deleted User] commented
I would ask a user have as welll the ability in the settings section to simply disable the collection of emoj recently used information if the prefer not to have a histiry of there use.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!!
Dustin commented
Has to be done.
Anonymous commented
Yes. I agree...having them pile up is not god.
JCN commented
It should be possible to clear all 'recently used' emojis or any subset of them. This becomes even more needed in light of the recent Textra update that displays the groups of emojis as one scrollable entity. Tapping an emoji unintentionally while scrolling, thus making it 'recently used', should be something that be can be undone simply.