Advanced MMS option to turn on data
If not connected to mobile network, turn on mobile network to download MMS and then turn mobile network off after downloading. Same behavior when sending an MMS while not connected would be convenient as well.

Anonymous commented
How come on my s6 edge plus default messaging app I can send mms with data off and through wifi but on the textra app I can't? Please fix, I can't imagine it's that difficult. I even have the paid version. Looks like I'm not the only one with the problem also.
T commented
Do you still receive a notification that a mms was sent to you if your data is off?
Dorthe fuchs commented
Please fix it...
You can send MMS with a HTC mobile without turning on mobildata and it would be really nice if that could work with my new Samsung S6 edge as well -
jocelyn commented
I really have to turn on my data to get mms? Thats unfortunate I love this text app but that's really annoyin
Leena commented
Yes, please fix this on Android L and M!!
Corbin Blanchard commented
My app already does this for me, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy s4 mini on Verizon.
Ed Strand commented
don't fail me now textra, please fix
Pedro M commented
Fix por favor
Cory commented
You can do this Textra, I know you can. There's a way as some others have pointed out.
Please fix this problem under Android L & M. -
Randy commented
How many votes are required before Textra will look into this? Default Messaging app running on Lollipop can do this, who why can't Textra figure this out?
Anonymous commented
I too loved Textra. I even paid for the pro version. The stock cyanogenmod messaging app of my One+ can turn on data automatically to retrieve mms messages, so they must have found a way around this API.
Anonymous commented
It was a very useful feature under Kitkat. The stock Cyanogen Messaging app has this feature, so they must have found a way around the new Lollipop / Marshmallow limitations. Please fix ASAP. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Stock Messaging app on my One-Plus has this capability, so Textra, please figure how to fix this problem.
Cory commented
I love Textra (even paid for pro version), but I just set the stock cyanogenmod Messaging app as my default app since it can turn on/off data automatically to retrieve mms messages.
Annon commented
The stock cyanogen text app has this feature. They must have find a way around the new android limitations
Anonymous commented
Tetra used to have that but took it out. It's the reason I'm changing sms apps.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem