Grandfathering existing customers so they won't have to pay to do away with the ads
Ok, so I realize that your end goal is to make a heavy profit off of this app and that is understandable considering this is a business but I feel your new "pay us or get hounded with ads" approach is terrible business sense. I believe that you should have grandfathered all of your already existing and quite happy customers into the non-ad texting app that they downloaded/signed up for in the first place and then just gave the "Pay us or you'll be laden with ads" option to new customers. It seemed quite logical to me because now I, like most of your consumers, will tell my friends how upset I was that this company had zero compassion or respect for it's long time users and to not waste their time downloading and especially paying for this app. It would be like me telling you to come stay as a guest at my beach house for a week and then decide while you're already staying there and enjoying the ocean that I've decided to make you pay hotel prices. I'm sure many people will go ahead and pay the money just so they won't have to deal with using a new app but I doubt many of these people will be referring this app to anyone else. Bad customer service and bad business sense altogether.