Predictive text/spell check-fix
Predictive text / spell check-fix.

Alphatauri commented
Predictive text needs some serious work. Try playing with a Windows 10 phones text app - predictive text is very good on it. I like textra because it looks similar, but that as far as the similarities go.
Anonymous commented
Would like predictive text to learn my mannerisms. I use u a lot instead of you. Keeps changing my u to I. And then I backspace, correct, space again and it reverts back to i... once I manually fix a word and space away again it should keep it however I corrected it send thrn learn that mannerism.
Gary commented
Can u turn off predictive or autofill?
Anonymous commented
i cant turn on the predictive text and spell check
Clay Eskina commented
Spell check isn't working.
Anonymous commented
Do we have a solution to turning it off?
Julayne commented
How do I turn on spell checking and auto space
Anonymous commented
How to turn auto correct on and off. Example, when I type the letter I it sometime throws (in) in my sentence. Frustrating RRRRR
Anonymous commented
Predictive text is needed!
gene commented
predictive texting, spell check would be nice