How can I contact a real customer support person.?
I have an issue that I've wasted hours searching your knowledge base for an answer to and can't find it. How can I contact a real customer support person?
Anonymous commented
After upgrade to 4.0 I can't send pictures in textra.?
Anonymous commented
I'm getting solicitation for sex. Is there something besides blacklisting I can do? The numbers are: 308-455-4401,928-515-1370, 702-536-2529, 844-386-8765, 754-205-8267. Thanks.
Erdaram commented
Home page Textra icon always says 1 text waiting even after trying all of the following :
A.Checking "Mark all texts as read"
B. Actually opening all my texts
C. Rebooting the phone.
Does anyone know a solution for this?