A stagefright patch needs to be pushed ASAP
Release 3.1
Mark Taylor commented
Can you receive pictures and videos from iPhone
FREDERIC commented
MMS is not working on tmobile Network
Heather commented
Please advise other members adverts are not viruses, malware, etc. (Just suggesting for educational purposes) also, adverts are required when applications are free to Android users if they want to continue using apps for free. This type of complaing will stop our programmers from creating free programs/apps.
Heather commented
This is true. Just released a new one according to my Lookout.
Anonymous commented
plz remove adverts in my textra app
pro-user commented
Thank you! Your responsiveness is appreciated.
Taj commented
Apparently any application that can automatically download and save mms messages is vulnerable
Kevin Duey commented
Looks like they are working on it, according to their Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/TextraSMS/status/626175169439006720
Mark commented
Is textra vulnerable to stagefright?