Backup settings
I've seen this before but, it would be great to have the ability to backup your Textra settings and customization. It's a hassle to have to do that each time.

Tyler Davis commented
How the hell is this still not a future on this highly customizable messaging app? I don't understand. I messaged with their service group and I was told the same crap answer about backing up on Google backup that doesn't work. I will never understand how they can give so little of a shit about their users
GraceDiaz commented
Hello, I am new here.
Joshua Riddle commented
Switched phones and ran into this issue AGAIN. Came here tonsee if there has been a fix. It's insane that it's been over EIGHT YEARS since this feature was requested. As soon as G-Messages adds the tiniest bit of customization, I'm switching.
gary s commented
this is a no brainer... please add the ability to backup settings, thank you!
Clinton commented
Jon Nelson, I completely agree with you about the backup and restore. I've also requested this till I'm blue in the face and frankly, the responses from the developers were downright arrogant and dismissive. this is such a basic feature for virtually any app out there, and yet these guys are apparently incapable of providing it. the current system they provide using Google backup is absolutely worthless and doesn't work whatsoever. there are no options within the app itself for backing up or restoring. I recently had to factory reset my phone. before resetting I wanted to back up all my settings. supposedly Google does this. but did it? I had no idea. who knows when the settings were last backed up. and then after I reset the phone and reinstall textra, as expected, nothing restored from google. nothing. utterly useless and frankly I think it was a lazy excuse for them to silence the users who continue to request this feature.
it's so simple to implement. I see updates with all kinds of little features that I've never seen requested and that are marginally, if useful at all. yet such a glaring omission as backing up and restoring settings is omitted. What's worse is users who request this are either ignored or shot down. I just don't get it. -
Jon Nelson commented
Original post made 6 years ago and STILL no way to back up settings... Do the devs just COMPLETELY ignore any and all user feedback? I cna understand not being able to implement every suggestion made by every single person, but come on, this is about as basic and obvious of a feature as it gets. Considering all of the HUNDREDS of minute customizations a user can make, it seems like a no brainer to add this. Lastly, this is not a single request made by a single user once upon a time when the app was initially launched, this has been something we, THE ACTUAL USERS, haven been requesting nonstop since day one all the way through to today. And I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that it will only continue to be questioned, requested, and sadly ignored for the foreseeable future. At least make it a feature for us Pro users who have literally put a roof over your head and fed you by giving you our money. Heck, do something to show you aren't just blatantly ignoring us or saying "No" just because you're embarrassed that YOU didn't think of something so essential...
It appears Textra is literally the only app in existence that STILL doesn't have this feature...
Janelle commented
Before anyone tried to comment that this has now been implemented, allow me to clarify that no, it really hasn't! "Supposedly", Textra now backs up with Google, but this seems highly unreliable, since it didn't work for my new phone. There's no way to confirm that the backup is happening properly in the first place, since Google doesn't allow you to see inside their backups. And then even if it did backup, the ONLY way to restore is during 1 particular step when you're first turning on a brand new or factory reset phone. If anything at all goes wrong in that process, you're sunk. There's no other way to restore the settings for this 1 app without doing a complete factory reset of the phone.
Sorry, but that doesn't count as a real settings backup. The issue remains.
Andrew FR commented
Just wanted to chime in here because this is the first result when googling "textra backup settings". I just got a new phone. Installed textra. Did the initial setup. And without all my previous customizations it looks so foreign to me. No big deal. I'll just do what I did with Nova Launcher. Backup the settings, transfer, and load them.
It blows my mind that an app that pushes "highly customizable" as a selling point doesn't allow you to keep that selling point when moving to a new device. This is a desperately needed feature.
Janelle commented
Honestly, do the developers of this app not use their own product, or do they just never, ever change phones???
Regarding the previous comment about screenshots for settings: Right, but with an app like this, do you have any idea just how many screenshots we'd be talking about??? Plus, it's not just about knowing what the settings are, it's the effort and time of going in and making all the changes. I've renamed, recolored, and re-toned almost every conversation I have!
Paul commented
Regarding previous comment, the best option I found when getting a new phone is taking screenshots of all settings and customizations, including colors, drilling all the way down per setting. hope this helps
Janelle commented
I'm getting ready to change phones, and the thought of having to recreate every. single. customization. I've made is extremely depressing. 😔🙁😦😯😟😢 Even if sounds can't be saved due to Android constraints, I've also renamed dozens of conversations, marked favorites, changed individual colors, tweaked the app settings....
Chris commented
Devs obviously don't care and/or pay attention to this request. Maybe if we all start knocking stars off the Play review they'll get the hint?
Jeff Bertman commented
This is MUCH more important than it sounds. SETTINGS are always lost whenever you move to a new phone. This includes all GROUP TEXT Names, SIGNATURES, which messages are PINNED, COLOR selections not just in general but also for Groups & Individual THREADS, Etc.
>> Huge Pain to recreate all this every time..Numerous other Text apps support Settings Backup.
How can it be 5 Years and nearly ~5000+ VOTES when you count the other duplicate feature requests (way beyond the ~1500 votes under this particular post). And not even 1 response comment from Textra "user voice" support?
>> I'm going to upgrade my phone this July-August and this time (after 3+ Yrs with Textra) might as well switch to another app with #AI etc. The ONLY things keeping me with Textra are the wonderful way DRAFT messages stand out in green (LOVE it 🙂) and having Multiple Signatures that we select via pick list (PERFECT 🎗👌).. But such a hassle to migrate phones and LOSE all that and more each time.
>> Please add this Long-Awaited Textra feature that sooo manynpeople want.
Make it a Gr8 Day :)
Anonymous commented
Seriously, how has this not been added since 2015 when this was posted?!? It's been 4 years. Still no backup. It's such a PITA to have to redo all my settings on each new device. Ugh.
Mike Thompson commented
Three years and still no backup option. With all these new features and customization options, one needs a quick and efficient way to backup and restore their settings. There are many apps that will backup your actual text messages, but what about the settings that many of us spend a lot of time customizing for specific contacts over the months/years? This really should be a priority.
Does anyone know what directories/files you can backup the settings manually?
dean commented
do the devs even read this? I can't believe such a basic feature is not available. recreating all user settings is a huge task when installing on new devices.
Alvin John commented
This should be at the number 1 spot in the priority list. Imagine the pain of re-creating everything, every settings. Ugh I just went through all of that last last week and I hope the next time I'll reformat my phone or move to a a new one, it could be as smooth as restoring a backup.
Simon commented
Well, this is official Textra uservoice. Could any1 of u guys please telk us if it's planned or not?? I changed my phone and if I even try to imagibe the PAIN with setting it all up again I would rather look somewhere else. That would be really sad, I LOVE Textra, use it for a few years already!
Mark Collinson commented
I want this. Do the Devs read this? If not
..where do I go to ask. -
Trent Hashimoto commented
Just transferred all my data to a new phone. Except for Textra. I'm tired of recreating all my settings over and over. I'm out