Signature placement
Signatures should be placed at the far right border with a line spaced, vertically, between signature and body of text. In it's current placement it appears that it's just part of my text. A signature is supposed to stand out and be noticed as not part of the text body. If possible, I would create several options for the signature in settings. Things like left, center, or right placement. Line spaced or not. Font and size. To follow is a proper signature.
Clinton Gallagher commented
Ad my angst to this matter. Signatures should always be on a new line so they are not appended to the end of a text message; default left aligned is the grammatical de facto standard.
Danny Goode commented
I also agree with signature gets added on to the end of the text so that it looks like part of the text.
ab1kenobee commented
Thank you. This would be a practical and wonderful improvement.
~ Alan