Search within a text conversation
Having the option to search for a word or phrase within a single conversation rather than only having the option to conduct a search among ALL your conversations.

Curtiss commented
version 5.51. July 15, 2022
"in the search screen, you can now easily restrict results to specific conversation threads by entering the contact (or group) name in the search field" -
Brittney commented
Any word on this?
Flan McFlannigan commented
Please add this feature. I love using textra but am still searching for an app that fits me because of this missing feature.
Anonymous commented
A deal breaker for me too... I'll find a different app.
Anonymous commented
This is the deal breaker for me... Every now and then I download Textra to see if this has been added. When I see it hasn't, I delete it again. Such a shame because the app looks very nice but I can't NOT have this option...
Sin commented
Same. Leaving because of this feature. LOVED Textra before.
ddferrari commented
I never needed this feature until now. Boy, it sure would have been handy. Otherwise, I love the app.
Scott commented
How and why Is this still an issue?
Brian commented
This please!
Lisa commented
I agree. This is SUPER frustrating. I can't believe you requested this basic functionality over 3 years ago and they still haven't implemented it! I've been trying to get by without it, but I guess I'll have to find a new app too.
E commented
This omission is preventing me from choosing TEXTRA over PULSE.
Anonymous commented
Leaving textra, this is a basic function that should be included.
Cindyb commented
I came here because I was looking to see if Textra had a search feature within conversations. I too will leave it because it does not.
Anonymous commented
Leaving Textra because of this issue.
Anonymous commented
I just began using Textra and overall like the app, but the lack of a search feature from within a thread is absolutely frustrating. Seems like a no-brainer. Unfortunately, going to have to switch back to old text app because of this.
cazort commented
This seems such a basic feature, and one that would be straightforward to implement. I am genuinely surprised that it is not already implemented, especially in a paid app. I am a paying user and would really like to see this implemented soon.