Block by number with wildcards
Would like to have the ability to block a number using wildcards. Lately have been receiving marketing and spam texts from a 1401***** number and each text uses different ending numbers but all have the same starting 4-5 digits. Being able to block in this method would allow me to not need to add several numbers to the blacklist that might not ever be used more then once by the scammers, and would let me block the messages in advance.
Thank you!
J. Jones commented
I don't know how this is not a thing yet. Neighbor spoofing (i.e. using the same area code/prefix as your number) is common, and yet we seldom know many people with the same prefix.
If my number were 4025012222, it'd be nice to be able to block "402501*" and instantly put a stop to all the spoofed messages. Combined with a whitelist (or just let contacts bypass wildcard filters) even if I do have a few friends with the same prefix they'll be in my contacts and not be blocked.