ability to change the text bubble size
A way to make the text bubbles bigger so the text and emojis don't look so small

Bobbie commented
Why does hitting my back button increase font size in sms
Eph commented
What does "Done" mean? I don't see a way to change it.
Anonymous commented
I need to see how to add a friend
Douglas Blair commented
Not to mention for those with reading glasses. I love how the standard sms on my Note 2 changes font size with the volume button.
Brad commented
Glad to hear that it is planned. Changing the system font size is not a really good solution. Thanks.
Chester Ruchinski commented
Thank you. I hope you add this soon. Even on my Note 2 the font and emojis look small. I can see the rest of my phone good so I don't wanna change the font size for the whole phone
Chester Ruchinski commented
I would be nice if there was a way to change it for just the app. When I do it through the system it makes everything else on my phone too big