Make a spam blocker option. I'm a premium member and lately I get several spam texts a day that I have to manually block. It's like if they could just automatically be blocked since they show up as an email address and not a phone number. Please make this a feature. These are driving me insane

J. Jones commented
I put it on Twitter too... feel free to add there, it might get better visibility, I kinda wonder if Uservoice is where Textra suggestions go to die...
J. Jones commented
Below are a series of spam messages I've received like this over the past month or so. This NEEDS to be addressed! Blocklisting is grossly insufficient, because every message comes from a new address.
To render addresses and URLs unclickable, and obfuscate my number, I've made the following replacements:
* colons (:) with equals signs (=)
* periods (.) with asterisks (*)
* my actual phone number with <my_phone_number>
but these are otherwise unaltered including formatting, spacing, spurious characters, etc.[11/26/21 17:43] 12454@panix*com: - / HOME DEPOT
We have a WlNNER: CID#12454
http=//107*175*219*12/Hdepot.php[11/28/21 07:52] 63603@jmldirect*com: - / HOME DEPOT
We have a WlNNER: CID#63603
Send 0 to STOP[11/29/21 02:33] 48090@ibash*de: - / Starbucks GlVEaway
Send 0 to STOP[11/30/21 14:33] 2992080931@haustauschferien*com: HOME DEPOT
We have a WlNNER: CID#32116http=//////0x6DEC3205#/EO*php
Send 0 to STOP[12/19/21 17:49] 52325@epaper-system*de: - / /
ClD: XE5279
https=http=//3260518391/co*php[12/25/21 08:36] 68816@khakibos*co*za: - / /
Your Xmas Gift is here
https=http=//3260518168/sa*php[12/27/21 22:15] 48947@casadeamados*com: - / /
WlN.NER: <my_phone_number>https=http=//3260518168///i13*php