Option to delete automaticaly messages when a number set in settings is reached
Like in the classic sms app on Nexus 5
Out now in v3.29
Anil Nair commented
How do I delete messages in multiples at a time. Now each to select n delete which consume lot of time
steve commented
PLEASE add this feature soon. Textra cureently takes 5/25GBs on my phone.
With this, I have had other text apps that keep a MAX number of MMS messages per conversation... If you want to keep the MMS just download it from the conversation -
www.HawaiianHope.org commented
Make it an OPTION, not part of primary operations.
Like my suggestion here :
https://textra.uservoice.com/forums/208555-feedback/suggestions/13852116-more-configuration-optionsI would like the option on SOME of the messages, but not all. We need to keep ALL communications from certain customers.
Anonymous commented
Or so many days instead of number
Anonymous commented
Please do this one. Currently textra has 4.6Gb worth of space taken and I can't get it to delete...
Anonymous commented
This would be a great feature.
Anonymous commented
Love that this is finally under review. Please develop, test, and release ASAP. Love how we can swipe conversation to see msg time and delete. Ignore those messages from people that obviously haven't bothered to read your release notes. Great use of material design and having data available just out of view and a simple swipe away. Keep up the great work.
Anonymous commented
I don't like how you can't see the times that messages were sent and received.
Anonymous commented
Please make this happen!
Andy commented
This would be great feature!!!
Cory Brumleve commented
Having over 25k messages like I just had to purge will diminish even the most polished app and user experience. I shouldn't have to go another app to reduce each person's messages to 200 or whatever set number
Mark commented
It will help the user save data on memory.
Jesse Cabaniss commented
I also like the idea of it NOT deleting picture messages as an option like the stock Samsung messaging app.
Michael commented
If I could put all my votes on this feature I would! This has been under review for a really long time. Please make it happen!
Adam commented
Please please make this happen. I've been asking for this for a couple years now and it would be amazing if they could just finally implement it!
Fanyo commented
I'm actually quite surprised that this had been under review for such a long time. Seems like a no-brainer to allow user to set number of texts for a conversation. Come on Textra team, make this happen!
Anonymous commented
If this is added then leave the choice to use it or not because some conversations need to be kept
Deema85 commented
I concur this would be a great feature, along with what Anonymous said on April 13, 2016 18:20.
beer_edge commented
Globally deleting based on a timeframe (unless locked) would be nice too...
Collin commented
Came on here to post the same suggestion. This is icing on the cake for the app