add 2 short vibrations to the vibration feedback list
I would like to have 2 short vibrations instead of the 5 short vibrations in the multiple vibration selection. Thanks!
Jeff LeGresley commented
Me too please
Anonymous commented
this app is just about perfect. Except for the fact there is really nothing about the vibration. I would really like to have the short 2 vibrates , that would make this app amazing...
Anonymous commented
Sean Fenwick commented
I figured I would be the only person who would want a two short vibration but man was I wrong! Please textra give the people what they want!
Jimmy commented
Excellent idea!
John commented
This is a fantastic idea! Adding this would make Textra perfect!
Anonymous commented
Totally agree!
Anonymous commented
I totally agree! One vibration may go unnoticed but five is obnoxious.