Block SMS not on your contact list.
blocking SMS from people not on your contact list this helps in preventing annoying spam messages that can come in even at mid night and can't be stop, this to me is annoying.

migmig commented
we need these futures:
1.blacklist unknown numbers
2.blacklist by wildcards,Alphanumeric numbers
3.blacklist for chosen number during night or specific time
4.white list for not blocking if we use blacklist by wildcard -
Eske Rahn commented
The solution by dregio is better IMHO
Textra Could add an option "Silent alert for unknown senders"
dregio commented
"Blocking" in this case should mean: don't alert me, but do show a silent notification when the SMS comes from a number not in my contact list.
Ht commented
Please add word filters for blacklisting
Gara commented
also block from the contact list
Mark commented
Fits the mold of a Private Box - much asked for, although spread across MANY requests. Please bundle all of these together to put this feature under serious consideration.
Ashvini commented
I found block/filter request for sms topic in 3 different post. Why textra not clubbed these messages and see high vote/demand for this feature rather ignoring this request. Textra should block sms based on string/phrase/unknown number.
Greg commented
Very easy to do as default msg app. You get another app that handles blocking and nake it default and use this one for real. It would be nice if the devs took an hour and added it
Bruce Anne commented
I agree. I don't want to wait for a message before I can blacklist them.
Anonymous commented
I wish there was some message sent to the individual you have blocked/black listed so that they know you have blocked them.
Anonymous commented
it's only option i wanted, since android kitkat. Because i can't block unwanted sms from unknown numbers now :(
Gbenga commented
It's a feature I am looking forward to.